Monday, May 6, 2013

RockeyComics' Rant: Dan Slott Vs Spider-Man


You know, I've really tried to like Dan Slott as a writer. During his run with Amazing Spider-Man, I really enjoyed his work on the series. He created interesting story arcs and really helped modernize the Peter Parker we all grew up with and knew very well. And then......Amazing Spider-Man 698 happened.

Now I will admit, I didn't pick up the issue. My friend who owns his own store kept telling me, "Dude, people are saying this is the comic to get right now." Now, may I add, my friend although he owns his own store, has not read a comic book in YEARS. He looks at the cover, the art, but not the story. So all he cared about was the cover. He usually asks me about key story arcs to look for, but I hadn't collected Spider-Man in years. I gave it up. So I passed up.

Well the thing called the internet happened, and leaked pictures about Amazing Spider-Man #700 came up and......"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Was my immediate reaction when I saw the photos. Doctor Octopus  one of my LEAST favorite villains (and I don't even read the series) is Spider-Man?! First off Mr. Slott, I know Doctor Octopus is a very well known villain for Spider-Man, but of ALL CHARACTERS YOU CHOSE DOCTOR FREAKING OCTOPUS?! The reasoning has to be golden, because I'm sorry, that doesn't make sense. Oh, and not just any Doctor Octopus. This Doctor Octopus:

No, no, you choose the weak half dead Doctor Octopus to switch Peter Parker's mind into and KILL Peter Parker in that body. Forgot to mention that the genius Dan Slott had, what was good writing and a good plot may I add, I respect that as I am an aspiring writer, switches the minds of Doc Ock and Peter Parker in a grand scheme by Doc Ock. But you know, it's Peter Parker, Spider-Man, no writer would write a comic book that basically has the read watch a lifelong favorite character of millions die in front of us......Damn you Dan Slott.

So Peter dies in 700 and Doc Ock becomes the 'Superior Spider-Man' which spins off into a new series. Well I ended up subscribing to the series, to see how it was, and I loved it! Really loved the series and loved it because Dan Slott made up for it by bringing Peter back (even if it is like a Jedi ghost figure).

But the series went on, and.....yeah I started hating it. Doc Ock as Spider-Man, and him talking like Doc Ock, I kept hearing Doc Ock's voice and accent instead of Christopher Barnes voice (that man was my childhood Spider-Man, deal with it that is the voice I hear when I read Spider-Man!). Oh, and he killed someone. SPIDER-MAN DOESN'T KILL SLOTT!!

And then.......

Yep. Read it. I won't spoil it for you. I will say your hair will be pulled out and you will think about how this man has destroyed this character. Now I do give Dan Slott credit for doing this. No one has the guts to ever pull something like this off. It's not that he killed Peter Parker, Ultimate Comics did so and I still enjoy that series with Miles Morales. It's HOW he did it and WHO replaced him. I am excite to see Miguel O'Hara aka Spider-Man 2099 join the series but.....It may be me, but I feel that Dan Slott either hates Peter Parker, hates Peter Parker, or has some crazy plan for this series that we will praise him later for. Until that crazy plan, if it is real, happens, I will go with he hates Peter Parker.

And I am mad the man didn't respond to my tweet when I tweeted I missed my train to his signing to New York and wished him good luck! I missed my train by 1 minute! That really isn't a big deal but, well, this is a rant after all....

Friday, May 3, 2013

RockeyComics' Afterthoughts on Iron Man 3

Well, the movie Iron Man 3 has been seen by yours truly. I've made a Vlog about it, it was my hot topic of the week, and now my first Afterthoughts. Well.....I liked it. But just because I like it, doesn't mean I don't have criticisms. For spoiler purposes, I won't go into full detail, but I will do my best to work around that fact.

First, we will start with Tony Stark himself. I'm digging the Mark 42, but it was really weak in the movie, and really the only cool part was it attached it to Tony without any machinery with it. Otherwise, it was beat up most of the movie, and there really was no core badass action with it like other suits in previous films. Like Avangers with the Mark 7, that suit was used and used beautifully. This one....not so much.
Also, on to Iron Patriot. I really liked what they did with the armor. I also like how Rhoady was shown really liking the name War Machine over Iron Patriot and had some funny scenes in showing how much he really enjoyed the name. But....there really wasn't much awesome action again like the previous movie where War Machine was introduced. Okay, one spoiler, Rhoady isn't the only one in the suit throughout
 the film. Fun fact for everyone. Sorry I will try and not give up anymore spoilers.

Oh and then there is this guy,the Mandarin. I.......Okay here is my brief rant. Was I right in me not liking the Mandarin in the movie? Yes, 100%. They made him humorous, awesome. Did I laugh? Yes. But as a hard core comic book nerd and knowing who the Mandarin really is and how he was hyped up in all the trailer and all the freaking previews as this ultimate villain and you did......I'll stop here. As just a movie viewer, the concept they used with the Mandarin worked well.

Finally, the use of Extremis in the film. It was dead on and I really liked it. It really matched up with the Marvel now Iron Man and it probably was my favorite aspect of the film. It also opens up a new doorway for Iron Man, *cough* extremis armor in his bones *cough* just like comics *cough*. Sorry did you say something?

Overall, I am not a critic and this is not a film critic blog. But, for the hell of it, I give Iron Man 3 8/10. With my rankings, Iron Man was the best, followed by Iron Man 3, and finishing off with Iron Man 2. I wasn't dissapointed, I enjoyed the film. Even the ending credits was funny and I enjoyed it. Just....I think my hopes were too high. Come on you come off a summer with the Avengers AND the Dark Knight Rises? You get your hopes up to the freaking moon!

RockeyComics's Comic Picks of the Week

DC:                                                                                            MARVEL:                                               

FINALLY! The new Batwing is introduced.
Really like where the series is going, check
it out who dons this awesome new suit
and becomes Gotham's newest ally!

People, I've tried. I've tried to like
this series, and so far have done a decent
job in doing so. But this issue.....Dan Slott,
the only explanation is that you hate Peter
Parker. A rant is coming just for you, sir.
Read the comic and you'll understand.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

RockeyComics' Hot Topic: Iron Man 3

Well, with my Vlog, everyone saw my thoughts about the upcoming Iron Man 3 movie. Well, to say the least, I am VERY excited about this movie. With being a major Comic Book nerd, I have been waiting since this summer which spoiled me with several Comic Book films to see another Comic Book movie. Iron Man 3 hits the spot from so far. I cannot wait to see this bad boy at midnight!

The Iron Patriot suit on War Machine just looks plain badass. Don Cheadle as Rhoady though is still taking some time to get used to. Because.....Rhoady is much more buff and Don Cheadle, well, is not. But his acting in the last movie made up for it and I am really interested to see how he adapts to what seems to be a little bit more of a bigger role for him than the last.

But with that said, there is my biggest gripe:

Need I say more? HE IS BRITISH! *Note I have no problem with British people. They are awesome. And nor am I racist.* But seriously here!

Anyways I'll be posting my feelings after I go see the movie at Midnight on Friday. Let me know what you guys think!