Thursday, April 25, 2013

RockeyComics' Comic Picks of the Week

DC:                                                                                      MARVEL:

Batman is yearning for his revenge against
Talia, his former lover, mother of their son,
and MURDERER of their son. But now, Batman
fights an inner demon that might be too much
to handle. I just wanna see a family feud damnit!

After Kaine became.....a Man-Spider
type creature, he now returns to being the Scarlett
Spider with his new mission to stop a group of Terrorist
before they hurt anybody else. Anybody getting a feeling
Kaine is going soft.....?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

RockeyComics's Rant: Why the Hell is Nightwing Red?!

When you google "Nightwing", do you want to know what comes up. Nightwing, BUT BLUE!!!! Listen, when I first slowly started coming out of my retirement of collecting comics right around when the New 52 was coming out, I was so excited when I saw that Nightwing was getting back his own monthly series. I was like, "Dude awesome!" 

Now this wasn't because I was against the whole Dick Grayson being Batman ordeal, I digged it for awhile. It just took me awhile to be okay with him being Batman and not Nightwing. He still was my favorite

character, but when I worked at my friends shop and I would talk to customers coming in and they would ask what was my favorite character, I finally got into the habit of saying Batman and not Nightwing. But damnit, I made sure that they knew which Batman I was talking about. But something just felt off and I just knew that Dick Grayson needed to be Nightwing again.

So when I started doing my research, I found the first issue cover of heart dropped. Like no seriously, DROPPED. HE WAS RED! WHY?! Nightwing has never been red.....wait.... never mind:
He returned to being blue shortly after this!

Okay but still, it just isn't the same! Why couldn't is just look like this, is it so hard!:

Anyways, I did my due dillegence on this matter, and wanted a true answer of why that this iconic character, who has always been blue, is now red. In an interview with Nightwing Writer Kyle Higgins, when asked about Nightwing being red, Higgins answered, "That was actually something that was chosen before I came on the project-- it is part of the new direction though. I mean, Dick's making a lot of changes-- the circus, going back to being Nightwing... to me he just decided to try something different."

Well that works I suppose.....but still it really just isn't the same. I feelthat, personally, they are trying to keep the Bat-Family together by a color that is used in all costumes, aka Red, Between Robin, Red Robin, Red Hood, and Batwoman. The only ones who were not Red are Nihgtwing, Batgirl, and of course Batman. SO they decided to make it I guess all congruent with one another(BS if you ask me). With the new art by Breet Booth and his costume drawing of Nightwing looking more like the Pre New 52 Blue Costume....except it is Red, I am hoping the hero Nightwing returns to his true color. NOT. RED.

RockeyComics' Picks of the Week

DC:                                                                                                                                     MARVEL:

Come on, it's Nightwing. Everyone should be
excited for Nigthwing....if you aren't.....your dead to me.
But I am interested in seeing the new art direction with
former Teen Titans New 52 artist Brett Booth taking over
the helm. Also, I LOVE that this suit looks more like the
Pre New 52 Era Nightwing....minus the red.....damn the red
to Hell!!!

In this upcoming issue, we have Superior Spider-man
continuing to act as a hero, and now a new villain who once
acted like a hero. Wait what?!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Celebrating 75 Year Anniversary of The Man of Steel!

75 years ago today, we were introduced to one of the greatest superheroes in the history of Comic Books, Superman. On this day 75 years ago, creator Jerry Siegel debuted his creation which would go onto become  one of the main icons in the Superhero world. Hat of to you Superman. Cheers to another 75 years.

Monday, April 15, 2013

RockeyComics Vlog Episode 1: Iron Man 3 Preview

Well, killed two birds with one stone. Got my Vlog done for my Digital Document Design class, and started up (hopefully) a consistent video log I can post. So go easy on me, it's my first try! Shout out to AJ Sparks for setting this whole thing up!

Friday, April 12, 2013

RockeyComics's Hot Topic: Injustice: God's Among Us

Ever since Injustice was first announced and advertisements started popping up in comics and other media, I have been pretty excited for quite some time now. I might not be as excited due to the fact I am absolutely horrendous at fighting games, which yes does mean I will not purchase the game myself, I think the game will be a success. The tie-in comic has been a huge hit and the first issue is now going for $24.99 online on stores such as Ebay and other online retailers. I like the plot, with Joker being the reason for this Super Hero Battle Arena, and having the heroes pick sides between Superman and Batman (I'd go with Batman).

I am also a fan of the lineup as well, (dude, NIGHTWING IS IN THE GAME).
I really wish I was better at fighting games, because I think this game is gonna be a solid game. Check out the trailer, and if you haven't already, go reserve it! (Video Courtesy from

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

RockeyComics' Comic Picks of The Week

DC:                                                                                             MARVEL:

The aftermath of the death of Damian Wayne
truly begins, with the new question, "Who
will don the Robin mantle". In the first part
of a short series of team-ups with the Bat-
Family, we are introduced to a new,
yet familiar face, Carrie Kelly, the Robin
from the Award Winning "The Dark Knight
Returns". But.....can she....will she...?

The super hero survivors of the Ultron devastation follow
a trail to the Savage Land in the hopes of finding a
way to survive or turn the tide of the Ultron apocalypse.
But with half the Marvel heroes dead, what chance
do any of the survivors have?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

RockeyComics's Video of the Week: Iron Man 3 Clip

Courtesy of Marvel, we get a quick clip of the upcoming Iron Man 3 coming out in early May. Get to see Robert Downey Jr. aka Tony Stark aka Iron Man himself, threaten the villian of the movie, Iron Man's most hated and feared eneymy, The Mandarin. The Mandarin in the movie is played by Ben Kinglsey.......that is a whole other rant.

Anyways, ENJOY!

Monday, April 8, 2013

RockeyComics's Rant: RIP Damian Wayne Reaction


Ever since Damian Wayne came into the picture as part of the "Batman and Son" story arc, I was truthfully never a fan. Then he took away my favorite character, Dick Grayson, from his true costume to done the cape and the cowl and help create the new dynamic duo.
Again, the new Dynamic duo, which took a twist from the stereotype of Batman and Robin, having Robin being more dark than Batman, and not vice-versa, did not sit well with me. I feel like Damian was a huge brat, and Dick just didn't fit the role of  "babysitter". I was very critical of the series, and just really fell out of it early on. And I blamed Damian.
But when the new 52 came out, I was hoping something would be done with it. Well, Dick Grayson returned to Nightwing, and Bruce Wayne was back full time as the only Batman. But, Damian was still the Robin. I felt that Damian made Batman weaker due to the fact that he was now, "Dad" and not "Batman the badass who runs around in a cape take one Gotham thug at a time". Now granite, he was still doing this but....he was a dad. I fell out of the Batman and Robin series again early on, but really got back in after Damian challenged all the former Robins to being the best. I thought it was awesome, and starting respecting the character as a whole. During the"Night of the Owls", cross title story arc, Damian was just awesome and really started to grow on me. "Death of the Family" was really the selling point. When Damian thought he was fighting his father, just the emotion that was showed.....just wow.

And then.....well.....Batman Incorporated happened.

In Batman Incorporated volume 2, Batman fakes Damian's death in the first issue. The new enemy, Leviathan, wants the Batman family dead, and is very interested in the dynamic duo. Batman tries to keep Damian away, but Damian's stubbornness has him creating a new identity, Red Bird, to allude Batman. This works for a short period, as Batman counteracts this by adding a new member to the Batman Incorpoated operation, Wing-Man, who turns out to be Jason Todd, to help mentor Damian in a way Batman cannot. Batman's reasoning for keeping Damian away was due to the mastermind behind Leviathan: Damian's Mother and Batman's former lover, Talia Al Ghul.

The issues go on, and finally an all out battle vs Leviathan wages, and Batman Incorporated is loosing. Damian defies his father once again, and returns to the Battlefield to fight against his mother. In issue 8, this following scene was the best. It brings Damian's first partner and him back in a fight together. This really changed my mind on the whole outlook on Dick and Damian together.
And then......

Talia created a matured clone of Damian known as The Heretic, delivers the final blow to Damian in a fight to save Batman Incorporated. I dropped the comic book soon after it. I couldn't believe what I saw. Not another Batman, writer Grant Morrison says that "He saves the world. He does his job as Robin. He dies a hero." Although true, I think Morrison killed of a character that all of us, well.....maybe just me.....started to grow on.

Batman and Robin #19 almost had me in tears. No dialoughe. Just pictures. Pictures of not Batman, but Batman the father's struggle of losing a son. It was such a moving comic and......DC, you may have gotten sales, you may have attracted fans to these books, but you killed a great Robin.

This is my first rant, but won't be my last. But will be my most emotional.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

RockeyComics' Comics Picks of the Week!

MARVEL:                                                        DC:

Although I am a little behind, to get this blog started, I felt that my weekly picks were key. They are a little late, but hey, better late than ever!

After the ending credits of the Avengers
Movie, where the next villian Thanos
Was quickly introduced and has been a hot
topic in the Marvel Universe. With the
MARVEL NOWComic Line, this awesome new series only adds to their
new great lines. This book enters into the
story of answering The question, "Who is Thanos?"
Although this really isn't my top pick for 
the week (Batwing #19 won that), it isn't
very often you can pick up the 900th issue
of one of the longest running and greatest
comic titles to exist. The 80 page special is
a solid book, and brings back a familiar face
to the new 52, but just doesn't seem to be worth
$7.99. The only reason it wins is because it being

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Re-Start of RockeyComics' Blog!

Hello to all......again!

Time to revamp this baby up and start posting! But first, a little update on what I am reading and really what to expect with the blog:

I've added some Books to my weekly collection, here is the new updated list!:


Batman and Robin
Batman Incoporated
Justice League
Justice League of America
Red Hood and the Outlaws
Teen Titans

All New X-Men
Scarlet Spider
Superior Spider-Man
Ultimate Spider-Man
Uncanny Avengers

Also, stay tuned for Comic Book picks of the week, and some nerdy reviews on comics that I pick out, some popular topics, and me just complaining about something or praising about something in the comic book world (NIGHTWING SHOULD BE BLUE!)

Anyways, let's geek out together!
